Amal Mountacer


The first contract with M.A.M is done by phone, and it’s free of charge. No consultation by phone,
but the juridical dispute or problem is dealt with through a certain number of questions. An
appointment is thus proposed if necessary.
During this first appointment, we recommend you to bring all the elements concerning the case/file
and particularly those concerning the notifications to appear at court.
This first appointment is not free of charge, but it could be ,if the file is opened with a provision of
money in advance.

AMAL MOUNTACER will then explain to you and give details about the juridical procedure.She’ll also
make an estimate of your probability of success in your claim.
Amal MOUNTACER will as well inform you about the 3 methods of paying fees adapted and used by
the consultancy; and will prepare a fee-paying-convention that will suit your case.
Hour tariff-fees: it’s variable according to the cases in certain cases,it would be possible to agree
about a gross-amount of the whole procedure.
In that case, you’d better get in contact with Amal MOUNTACER beforehand, to have an idea about
the entire amount owed at the end.
No fees will be demanded before a previous and agreed-upon arrangement.
In case of financial difficulties,MOUNTACER LAW FIRM could allow you and accept the possibility of
splitting your payments during the final-procedure result fees:
In certain cases, it’s possible to convene about a modest sum for result-success:
In others, an extra percentage will be required.
This extra-percentage will be freed-upon and accepted by both sides.
This contract will be co-signed-in,by both the lawyer and the client.

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